
Perth Animal Eye Hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art surgical facilities to treat a wide range of ophthalmic conditions. Our board-certified ophthalmologists perform complex eye surgeries with precision and care, ensuring the best possible outcomes for your pet. From routine procedures to advanced surgeries, our team’s expertise ensures your pet receives the highest quality surgical care.

Common Specialist Eye Surgeries

Common Specialist Eye Surgeries

  • Lens Surgery: Cataract surgery is a common procedure we perform to restore vision in pets with clouded lenses. Our specialists use the latest techniques to ensure a smooth recovery and improved vision for your pet.
  • Lid Surgery: We perform specialised surgeries for conditions affecting the eyelids, including tumours, entropion (inward rolling of the eyelid), ectopic cilia, and distichiasis (abnormal eyelash growth), all of which can cause irritation or damage to your pet’s eyes.

  • Nasolacrimal Surgery: Tear duct blockages can lead to excessive tearing or infection. Our experts perform tear duct explorations to restore proper drainage and comfort to your pet.
  • Cornea Surgery: Corneal injuries such as lacerations, ulcers, and diseases may require grafts or cryotherapy. Our specialists are skilled in these delicate procedures to preserve your pet’s sight.
  • Iris Surgery: We offer advanced treatments for iris conditions, including laser procedures and tumour removal, ensuring precise care for this critical part of the eye.
  • Glaucoma Surgery: Managing glaucoma can involve laser treatments and the placement of shunts to regulate eye pressure. Our surgical expertise offers effective solutions to prevent further vision loss.

Want to book a consultation with us?